It’s Summertime and a busy time of year for almost everyone, however we must stay alert and informed regarding poisons that could cause a major health crisis for you and your furrbabies!
These 10 Toxins could be in plain sight but not be seen or thought about!!
- Glow Sticks and glow jewelry
- Ibuprofen (Advil) and Accetaminophen (Tylenol)
- ADD and ADHD medications
- General home cleaning products
- Lilies (all types)
- Essential oils
- Flea and Tick Medications for DOGS!!
- All Meds with a decongestant in them like Allergy and Cold And Flu
- Anti-Depressant Medications
- Rat and Mice Poisons
What to Do if This Happens?
Call: Pet Poison Hotline 855-289-0358 24/7